After finally liberate their new video capturing app on iOS back in December, Google have updated the iOS iteration to include the capability to upload full videos in full 1080p high description with enhanced audio sync. These updates take the software from version 1 to 1.1 for Apple devices and are accessible for free on the App Store.
The new version of the software also boasts developments in upload speeds allowing for the heavy file sizes that full high description recording can generate. Google assert the update has also addressed matter and bugs that were damage the performance of version 1 of the software. The app also fully integrates the larger 4 inch iPhone 5 Retina display, permit for videos to be played in full screen as opposed to the limited letterbox format that was formerly available.
The new version of the software also fully integrate the capability to share your captured videos across Google+, Twitter and Facebook enabling iPhone and iPad owners to increase their mobile captured creations with their online associates.
This update could be seen as important for owners of blogs, eCommerce sites and business pages looking to boost their online occurrence. YouTube is owned by Google and shares data crosswise the two platforms. YouTube videos are fully integrated into Google’s untreated search results with related videos appearing importantly, complete with a small image appetizer, the date it was uploaded, the report that uploaded it and a link to see their other videos.
By improving the YouTube Capture software on iOS devices, webmasters now have the capability to create high superiority videos on the move, give they own an iPhone or iPad. This could make it far easier and more suitable for content creators to integrate video into their toolset.